AWSTATS DATA FILE 7.6 (build 20161204) # If you remove this file, all statistics for date 201802 will be lost/reset. # Last config file used to build this data file was /home/morales/tmp/awstats/ssl/ # Position (offset in bytes) in this file for beginning of each section for # direct I/O access. If you made changes somewhere in this file, you should # also remove completely the MAP section (AWStats will rewrite it at next # update). BEGIN_MAP 28 POS_GENERAL 2014 POS_TIME 2679 POS_VISITOR 10350 POS_DAY 11158 POS_DOMAIN 3384 POS_LOGIN 3692 POS_ROBOT 3847 POS_WORMS 4356 POS_EMAILSENDER 4487 POS_EMAILRECEIVER 4630 POS_SESSION 11641 POS_SIDER 11810 POS_FILETYPES 4765 POS_DOWNLOADS 4970 POS_OS 5018 POS_BROWSER 5175 POS_SCREENSIZE 5493 POS_UNKNOWNREFERER 5567 POS_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 6053 POS_ORIGIN 6223 POS_SEREFERRALS 6357 POS_PAGEREFS 6562 POS_SEARCHWORDS 6710 POS_KEYWORDS 6862 POS_MISC 2343 POS_ERRORS 6921 POS_CLUSTER 3548 POS_SIDER_404 7044 END_MAP # LastLine = Date of last record processed - Last record line number in last log - Last record offset in last log - Last record signature value # FirstTime = Date of first visit for history file # LastTime = Date of last visit for history file # LastUpdate = Date of last update - Nb of parsed records - Nb of parsed old records - Nb of parsed new records - Nb of parsed corrupted - Nb of parsed dropped # TotalVisits = Number of visits # TotalUnique = Number of unique visitors # MonthHostsKnown = Number of hosts known # MonthHostsUnKnown = Number of hosts unknown BEGIN_GENERAL 8 LastLine 20180301000931 11 1476 10505146829917 FirstTime 0 LastTime 20180225225515 LastUpdate 20180301071657 11 0 10 0 0 TotalVisits 32 TotalUnique 18 MonthHostsKnown 0 MonthHostsUnknown 19 END_GENERAL # Misc ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_MISC 10 PDFSupport 0 0 0 RealPlayerSupport 0 0 0 TotalMisc 0 0 0 JavaEnabled 0 0 0 WindowsMediaPlayerSupport 0 0 0 FlashSupport 0 0 0 JavascriptDisabled 0 0 0 QuickTimeSupport 0 0 0 AddToFavourites 0 5 0 DirectorSupport 0 0 0 END_MISC # Hour - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Not viewed Pages - Not viewed Hits - Not viewed Bandwidth BEGIN_TIME 24 0 1 1 0 6 19 392144 1 4 5 117528 20 31 365474 2 5 5 131965 24 28 232290 3 2 2 52786 10 46 636253 4 1 1 26393 1 24 503987 5 3 3 79179 8 11 89509 6 2 2 52839 13 20 112851 7 2 2 52786 4 8 42256 8 1 1 26393 6 14 93507 9 2 2 43935 11 19 115119 10 0 0 0 9 45 2107405 11 8 8 89918 6 36 486547 12 0 0 0 8 13 26661 13 1 30 1051876 16 55 2254594 14 2 2 52786 9 23 142458 15 2 35 2073263 13 30 361237 16 1 1 0 7 46 2160340 17 1 1 26393 10 17 164549 18 0 0 0 6 9 93975 19 1 1 26393 3 5 38028 20 0 0 0 5 11 147163 21 2 2 52786 3 26 384993 22 3 36 2024297 3 6 18264 23 1 1 26393 11 40 489181 END_TIME # Domain - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_DOMAIN 7 us 33 128 5688035 de 7 7 158358 ru 2 2 29569 sa 1 1 26393 fr 1 1 17542 gb 1 1 26446 in 0 1 61566 END_DOMAIN # Cluster ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_CLUSTER 0 END_CLUSTER # Login - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 10 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_LOGIN 0 END_LOGIN # Robot ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit - Hits on robots.txt # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_ROBOT 10 Googlebot/ 90 1648013 20180228203751 17 bingpreview 66 4089474 20180224160528 0 YandexBot/ 61 654518 20180228135914 30 bingbot/ 50 116609 20180228153713 42 PhantomJS 34 2003606 20180204131624 0 MJ12bot/ 13 114837 20180206132929 5 AhrefsBot/ 8 67323 20180221142310 4 MojeekBot/ 4 45038 20180207175026 2 Googlebot\-Image/ 1 165153 20180212002356 0 unknown 1 67 20180223115356 1 END_ROBOT # Worm ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 5 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_WORMS 0 END_WORMS # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILSENDER 0 END_EMAILSENDER # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILRECEIVER 0 END_EMAILRECEIVER # Files type - Hits - Bandwidth - Bandwidth without compression - Bandwidth after compression BEGIN_FILETYPES 8 png 5 520442 0 0 php 7 52714 0 0 jpg 20 2810184 0 0 eot 1 165742 0 0 woff2 1 77160 0 0 html 36 841883 0 0 js 47 951088 0 0 css 24 588696 0 0 END_FILETYPES # Downloads - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_DOWNLOADS 0 END_DOWNLOADS # OS ID - Hits BEGIN_OS ID - Hits - Pages 8 macosx11 9 9 win7 68 5 winxp 1 1 winlong 37 4 macosx12 3 3 Unknown 20 20 linux 2 2 win8 1 1 END_OS # Browser ID - Hits - Pages BEGIN_BROWSER 14 chrome46.0.2754.75 1 1 msie6.0 1 1 opera12.17 1 1 Unknown 13 13 chrome50.0.2661.75 1 1 chrome62.0.3202.94 1 1 safari11.0.3 1 1 chrome63.0.3239.132 31 1 chrome40.0.2214.85 1 1 chrome34.0.1847.137 1 1 firefox52.0 44 11 mozilla 7 7 msie11.0 35 2 chrome61.0.3163.100 3 3 END_BROWSER # Screen size - Hits BEGIN_SCREENSIZE 0 END_SCREENSIZE # Unknown referer OS - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERER 5 WordPress/4.8.5;_ 20180202011800 Magic_Browser 20180212025805 Mozilla/5.0_zgrab/0.x_(compatible;_Researchscan/t12l;__ 20180204143508 Mozilla/5.0_zgrab/0.x_(compatible;_Researchscan/t13l;__ 20180224191842 Mozilla/5.0_(compatible;_NetcraftSurveyAgent/1.0; 20180206021104 END_UNKNOWNREFERER # Unknown referer Browser - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 2 WordPress/4.8.5;_ 20180202011800 Magic_Browser 20180212025805 END_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER # Origin - Pages - Hits BEGIN_ORIGIN 6 From0 32 34 From1 2 2 From2 3 4 From3 0 0 From4 8 101 From5 0 0 END_ORIGIN # Search engine referers ID - Pages - Hits BEGIN_SEREFERRALS 3 search_yahoo_com 1 1 www_google_com 2 2 www_google_co_in 0 1 END_SEREFERRALS # External page referers - Pages - Hits # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_PAGEREFS 0 END_PAGEREFS # Search keyphrases - Number of search # The 10 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SEARCHWORDS 0 END_SEARCHWORDS # Search keywords - Number of search # The 25 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_KEYWORDS 0 END_KEYWORDS # Errors - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_ERRORS 4 301 99 0 404 129 2323419 401 20 230728 302 1 0 END_ERRORS # URL with 404 errors - Hits - Last URL referrer BEGIN_SIDER_404 43 /media/jui/js/jquery-migrate.min.js 4 /media/k2/assets/js/k2.frontend.js 4 /templates/shaper_vocal/js/jquery.countdown.min.js 3 /templates/shaper_vocal/css/k2.css 4 /templates/shaper_vocal/js/gmaps.js 3 /wp-admin/logo_img.php 1 /.well-known/assetlinks.json 7 - /media/jui/js/jquery.min.js 4 /media/system/js/punycode.js 2 /media/system/js/html5fallback.js 2 /wp-admin/includes/file-editor.php 1 /media/com_acymailing/css/module_default.css 4 /media/jui/js/jquery-noconflict.js 4 /media/k2/assets/css/k2.fonts.css 4 /.well-known/apple-app-site-association 7 - /wp-content/wp-caches.php 1 /templates/shaper_vocal/js/main.js 3 /.well-known/dnt-policy.txt 2 - /plugins/system/helix/js/helix.core.js 3 /templates/shaper_vocal/css/bootstrap.min.css 3 /apple-app-site-association 6 - /templates/shaper_vocal/css/mobile-menu.css 4 /media/system/js/keepalive.js 1 /templates/shaper_vocal/css/presets/preset1.css 4 /plugins/system/helix/css/font-awesome.css 4 /bar-night-club-entertainment 2 - /templates/shaper_vocal/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js 3 /media/system/js/validate.js 2 /media/jui/js/bootstrap.min.js 3 /wp-content/uploader.php 1 /plugins/system/helix/js/jquery-noconflict.js 3 /plugins/system/helix/js/modernizr-2.6.2.min.js 3 /templates/shaper_vocal/css/template.css 4 /templates/shaper_vocal/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css 4 /media/system/js/core.js 2 /media/system/js/mootools-core.js 2 /abouts-uis/ 2 - /media/com_acymailing/js/acymailing_module.js 3 /plugins/system/helix/js/menu.js 4 /logo_img.php 1 /wp-content/common.php 1 /templates/shaper_vocal/js/jquery.plugin.min.js 3 /wp-content/plugins/up.php 1 END_SIDER_404 # Host - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit date - [Start date of last visit] - [Last page of last visit] # [Start date of last visit] and [Last page of last visit] are saved only if session is not finished # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_VISITOR 19 8 8 89918 20180223115456 6 6 158358 20180224191842 4 4 105572 20180212025805 4 4 105572 20180211031744 3 3 79179 20180207022240 3 3 79179 20180208092849 3 36 2024297 20180225225515 2 35 2073263 20180203155646 2 2 29569 20180202011803 2 2 0 20180202011800 1 30 1051876 20180205130547 1 1 26446 20180209063947 1 1 17542 20180215094513 1 1 26393 20180222214117 1 1 26393 20180206021104 1 1 26393 20180207053203 1 1 26393 20180221171224 1 1 0 20180216165909 0 1 61566 END_VISITOR # Date - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Visits BEGIN_DAY 20 20180202 6 6 82355 4 20180203 3 36 2099656 2 20180204 4 4 105572 3 20180205 3 32 1104662 3 20180206 2 2 52786 2 20180207 2 2 52786 2 20180208 2 2 52786 2 20180209 2 2 52839 2 20180210 2 2 52786 2 20180211 1 1 26393 1 20180212 1 1 26393 1 20180215 1 1 17542 1 20180216 1 1 0 1 20180217 1 1 26393 1 20180219 0 1 61566 0 20180221 1 1 26393 1 20180222 1 1 26393 1 20180223 8 8 89918 1 20180224 1 1 26393 1 20180225 3 36 2024297 1 END_DAY # Session range - Number of visits BEGIN_SESSION 3 15mn-30mn 1 30s-2mn 2 0s-30s 29 END_SESSION # URL - Pages - Bandwidth - Entry - Exit # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SIDER 11 / 30 765397 29 25 /wp-login.php 3 8726 0 2 /wp-cron.php 2 0 1 1 /our-brands/ 2 37022 0 1 /index.php 2 43988 2 2 /wp-content/themes/potenza/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 1 77160 0 0 /about-us/ 1 18729 0 0 /comments/feed/ 1 741 0 0 /wp-content/themes/potenza/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot 1 165742 0 1 /feed/ 1 1095 0 0 /contact-us/ 1 18899 0 0 END_SIDER